Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Nine Things To Do in Hong Kong

A city bustling with life and rhythm, Hong Kong rightfully holds the title for the worlds most densely populated country.  Yes, Hong Kong is a country!!  With all that was going on in Hong Kong, I recall feeling very overwhelmed the first few days there.  But by day 3, I was managing to get around the metropolitan hotspot with much ease.

Here are a round up of how I spent my time there:

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Beginner's Guide to World Travel

Wat Pho Temple, Bangkok, Thailand
I took my very first solo travel trip ever, late in 2012 and even then, at 31, the very idea of solo travel was completely new to me.  And backpacking, that was something teenagers --born with silver spoons-- did with graduation money.  Until very recently, I had no idea that it was in fact absolutely possible to travel the world, venturing across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, to see and do as much as I could, all the while paying off huge chunks of debt I had accumulated as an undergraduate at Rutgers University.

Friday, September 12, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: Chasing Waterfalls Part 1

Me giving over to the majestic Jeongbang Falls
Unlike the popular TLC song 'Waterfalls' from the late 1990's, you're going to enjoying "chasing" every waterfall on Jeju Island.  Full of life, I found myself giving over to majestic beauty that is Jeongbang Falls, the only waterfall in Asia that empties into the ocean.  Jeonbang Falls is simply put, spectacular measuring 23 meters in height and 10 meters in width it is considered one of the ten scenic wonders of Jeju Island.

We arrived at Jeongbang Falls around 1:30 pm on a Tuesday afternoon.  And while it was during the Chuseok holiday, the area was beaming with tourists but not over-crowded.  Yah!!  We obtained our admission ticket and after a short walk down a few steps, we met with the splendor of Jeongbang Fall in the distance, our first photo opportunity.  The dots of color from the people below just made this view a bit colorful.  And the faint hum of birds in song really made this visit to Jeonbang falls err on the enchanted side.

We took the stairs all the way down and with so many photo opportunities, just from where we were standing, one could easily spend an hour perfecting poses.  Add that to the gush of the water hitting the bottom, the cooling mist from this, and the faint chatter of Koreans cooling their feet, I couldn't ask for more.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: Sunrise Peak

View from atop Sunrise Peak, May 2014
Sunrise Peak or Seonsan Ilchubong Peak is located on the north-east coast of Jeju Island.  I've had the opportunity to take the short 20 minute (but steep) hike up to Sunrise Peak on two occasions and both times, it was a great opportunity to take photos of the incredible view of Jeju Island from 182 meters up.  Named one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites, Sunrise Peak is nothing short of amazing.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Taipei, Taiwan

IMG_2129.jpg (1600×1200)
Millennium Hot Springs, XinBetiou
February 17.  I decided on Taiwan for my two-week break from teaching in South Korea and after a 12 hour layover in China and one airport change, I’ll be in Taiwan.  There’s a certain anxiety I get when traveling abroad; anxieties of not knowing the language, unable to call anyone (in case of emergency) for help and other general anxieties like getting lost or getting sick.  

Still, I made sure plan for certain things and well…to take things easy.  After all, I’m on vacation.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Seoul, South Korea

"I get it now", I said during my first night out for beers at a local bar at Myeongdong Station in Seoul.  As a matter of fact, when as I approached a street lined with two Out Back Steakhouse, one TGIFriday's and (completely new to me) California Pizza Kitchen, "Yep, I get it" were the first words that came to mind.  Although I didn't see everything there is to see in Seoul or do everything there is to do, I (perhaps late) understood why Seoul (although expensive) is such a popular Seoul destination for expats.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jeju Island, South Korea

Hamdoek Beach
So, I decided on a second year of teaching in South Korea; this time, Jeju Island.  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.  I arrived in Jeju on August 26, 2013 with 25+ expats who decided to teach with EPIK, most of whom were in Korea for the very first time.  I could tell that they were excited about learning Korean culture and making the very best of their one year as an English teacher.  And so was I.  I had heard of the many things to do on Jeju Island and of the many people I had spoken to before I got here, no one had anything bad to say about Jeju-do.  I so, I came planning to make the most of my one year teaching elementary school and uncovering the gems that make Jeju-do a perfect destination for honeymooners, vacationers and expats wanting to experience life in Korea surrounded by aesthetic qualities and views that make up Jeju-do.

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet Trinidad and Tobago

I've been in Tobago almost a week already.  Although I was born here, it's my first visit to Trinidad's sister island, Tobago .  The views have been incredible and I've found myself enjoying my time here so much that I would relocate if the opportunity arose.  Tobago is a little piece of paradise and I have the photos to show for it.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Tokyo, Japan

On my way out of Korea, I decided that Tokyo was close enough to pay a visit and expensive enough to stay only a few days.  Three days and two nights would be enough for me to get a feel of life there, enjoy some touring and contribute to Japan's booming economy.  I'm at Khaosan Tokyo Original hostel which is a short distance from Asakusa Station.  From Narita Airport, it took about an hour to get here and about 1,400 yen which is about $14. I'd always wondered about life on the other side of the world, namely Asia and after a year in South Korea, I could add Tokyo to the list of places I'd visited.

Cars drive on the lefts-side of the street and steering wheels are on the right side in cars.  So, everything is pretty much backwards when compared to Korea and the United States.  Although, this is the same for my home and native Trinidad and Tobago.  I didn't expect to find that here.  I'm finding that Tokyo is definitely a bicycle friendly city.  From old folks to working men and women in office attire, I see lot's of people on bicycle.  I even saw an apartment that had a stacked bicycle rack; it's very innovative and yea, well, a very healthy way to live.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Life in Korea: Wrapping up

my picasso
Acrylic Painting, N.R. and Hyun
Today makes one year that I've been living and teaching in Korea. Wow! Although I didn't think I'd make it, I did! I realize how incredibly blessed I am to have had this experience...I've learned much about myself these twelve months I've been in Korea.  It's been truly rewarding in many ways.

I enjoy my own company; that's not to say I don't enjoy the company of others...I do.  But, I've gotten very selective of who I can share my time and space with.  "Not everyone is your friend" is a phrase that came to life here in Korea.  Lot's of acquaintances, handful of friends and it's just the way I like it.