Showing posts with label South Korea. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South Korea. Show all posts

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Spirited Gardens, Wood Tales and Spirits

I had been longing to get to this botanical garden for at least a year.  I do love botanical gardens and nature trails.  Same for animals, so visiting a local zoo or an aquarium in a new city is always welcomed.  The Yeomiji Botanical Gardens on Jeju Island was a fun visit as was the Seoul Zoo.  Still, my new favorite place to be on Jeju Island, the Spirited Gardens.

Like the name?  I do too and as the name hints, this attraction alludes to more that just plant life.  How?  Hmm.  Let's see.  But first, a few pictures from this amazingly large but serene garden.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Walking Trails in South Korea, #6

I couldn't resist.
Olleh Walking Trails are 26 (21 trails, 5 sub-trails) walking paths that cover the entire 2,713 meter circumference of Jeju Island (and neighboring Udo, Chujado and Gapado Islands) with sub-trails that go slightly inland; a whopping total of 422 km.

Just recenlty, I decided to do my very first Olleh Walking Trail.  And of the many things to do on Jeju-do, this is probably the only one that will require the most endurance, as each walking path can range from 14 km to 20 km in length.  You can bet on walking for at least 4 hours should you decide on doing an Olleh path. They range in difficulty as Jeju-do is known for it's mountainous terrain.

If you plan on doing all 26 paths, be sure to pick up an Olleh passport, so you can collect the stamp at the beginning of each trail.

This past weekend, I opted for the least difficult of the 26 trails, Olleh Trail Number 6.
Together with 3 hiking buddies, we made it through tired, but feeling accomplished.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The 9 People You Will Definitely See When Running a 5K in South Korea

The start line
I was barely out of bed, when I decided to take part in the annual Beautiful JejuMarathon this past Saturday.  All along the coast, Koreans and foreigners alike took to the pavement decked in head bands, iPod's, and other running gear to make the most of the day all along the northeast coast of Jeju Island, South Korea.

What a glorious day that turned out to be with not one cloud in the sky.  As the waves were beating against the shore, I took in the day; the view in front of me, colored in a sea of blue t-shirts beating the pavement, people determined to finish whatever race they'd started just moments earlier.

I smiled as I took in all the people on the trail...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Life in Korea: The Culture Shock

I was a bit disoriented after my 13 hr flight with Korean Air, from Chicago to Seoul, but that's another story.  Absolutely nervous, I barely left my hotel room because one, I hadn't learned the language, and two, I was afraid of getting lost in a city that didn't have street names.  I am just learning to recognize streets by their names, having lived in Korea two years already.  Unless you've had some exposure to Korean culture, you're in for some culture shock.

This is just one of several things I found sometimes nice, sometimes bizarre, but none-the-less, shocking when I moved to Korea in 2012.  So here's a look at ten other experiences my friends and I had during our first few weeks in Korea.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Walking for Global Peace

I learned of the Peace Walk during a Korean Language class at the Global Peace Center near my house in Jeju-si.

Really, it sounded interesting enough that I decided immediately that I wanted to participate in the two hour long walk and partial hike to Sarabong Mountain on World Peace Day, September 21, 2014.

World Peace Day is day designated for "strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and people" according to the website.  Really, it brings awareness to the state of global affairs and the countries where peace is lacking.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: Hallim Park

Hallim Park is a place to spend the whole day, as it has nine attractions and several others within them.  Any person looking for a relaxing walk through a park is in for a treat whether you go it solo, with a date, or with friends.  One thing to note is that one visit might not be enough and with several festivals throughout the year, I plan to visit again and again. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: 6 Best Places to Eat Near City Hall

I love food!!  I realized this when I went vegan for one month during World Vegan's Month last November.  I would find these awesome recipes and make them my own by changing out vegetables or beans or grains to one that suited my appetite and omg!!!  A vegan foodie was born.  However, by mid December, I was back to my regular vegetarian diet.

With Korea being a veggie friendly country, it's easy to think that foods that look vegetarian are, but that's often not the case as most of the sauces used in the cooking process contains anchovy paste.  Fear not!  I've been living on the island for nearly a year already and I've mapped out several food spots that will satisfy whatever craving (within reason) you may have.

Things to Note:

  • With the exception of The Loving Hut, each restaurant offers meat-based meals for the meat lovers.
  • Be sure to see below for hours and a map on how to get there form Jeju-si City Hall (체주시청).  If you are using a mobile phone, you will need to download the Naver Map App. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: 4 Best Beaches on Jeju Island

Hamdoek Beach
When I made the decision to come relocate to Jeju Island as my initial contract teaching in Pohang was coming to a close, I thought, beautiful beaches and remarkable scenery.  I hadn't heard anything negative about the island.  Sure, foreigners here are quite cliquish and it is rather small, but that can be a good thing...maybe.

Unfortunately, six months of teaching here amidst an egregious co-teacher, I was ready to call it quits, back up my bags and perhaps start graduate school at Florida International University.  Luckily, during my vacation in Taipei I found out that my school assignment had changed and I was congratulated on being placed elsewhere.  Happy about my good fortune, I counted my blessings!

Since then, I've adjusted nicely to my new school and finally settling in to life on Jeju Island and back to my initial thoughts on Jeju:  beautiful beaches and wonderful sceneries.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Life in Korea: 3 Things to do at 63 Building (Square) in Seoul

I first learned of 63City (Korea's tallest building) from a student during my one year teaching at a  hagwon (private academy) in Pohang.  It's been on my list of touristy things to do in Seoul since then.  During my most recent visit to Seoul, I decided I would head there first to check out what all the hooplah was about.  Since I had been to the second tallest building in the world, Taipei 101, I thought 'Eh, it probably pales in comparison.'  And with summer showers looming, I questioned whether it would be worth it.  Still, I had my heart set on 63City so, with all the mojo I could muster, I took Line 5 to Yeouinaru Station (exit 4) and walked about ten minutes to the tall gold colored building you just can't miss.

Monday, July 21, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: Sunrise Peak

View from atop Sunrise Peak, May 2014
Sunrise Peak or Seonsan Ilchubong Peak is located on the north-east coast of Jeju Island.  I've had the opportunity to take the short 20 minute (but steep) hike up to Sunrise Peak on two occasions and both times, it was a great opportunity to take photos of the incredible view of Jeju Island from 182 meters up.  Named one of UNESCO's World Heritage sites, Sunrise Peak is nothing short of amazing.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: Ode to Spring

Yay spring!  With winter 2014 tucked away for a solid 9 months what  better way to celebrate the light and life spring brings than a love letter to  my new favorite season, Spring?  Spring officially began on March 20 but, it took a few more days before I could wear a lighter jacket and shed my winter foot gear. 

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Seoul, South Korea

"I get it now", I said during my first night out for beers at a local bar at Myeongdong Station in Seoul.  As a matter of fact, when as I approached a street lined with two Out Back Steakhouse, one TGIFriday's and (completely new to me) California Pizza Kitchen, "Yep, I get it" were the first words that came to mind.  Although I didn't see everything there is to see in Seoul or do everything there is to do, I (perhaps late) understood why Seoul (although expensive) is such a popular Seoul destination for expats.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Jeju Island, South Korea

Hamdoek Beach
So, I decided on a second year of teaching in South Korea; this time, Jeju Island.  I'm excited and nervous all at the same time.  I arrived in Jeju on August 26, 2013 with 25+ expats who decided to teach with EPIK, most of whom were in Korea for the very first time.  I could tell that they were excited about learning Korean culture and making the very best of their one year as an English teacher.  And so was I.  I had heard of the many things to do on Jeju Island and of the many people I had spoken to before I got here, no one had anything bad to say about Jeju-do.  I so, I came planning to make the most of my one year teaching elementary school and uncovering the gems that make Jeju-do a perfect destination for honeymooners, vacationers and expats wanting to experience life in Korea surrounded by aesthetic qualities and views that make up Jeju-do.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Life in Korea: Wrapping up

my picasso
Acrylic Painting, N.R. and Hyun
Today makes one year that I've been living and teaching in Korea. Wow! Although I didn't think I'd make it, I did! I realize how incredibly blessed I am to have had this experience...I've learned much about myself these twelve months I've been in Korea.  It's been truly rewarding in many ways.

I enjoy my own company; that's not to say I don't enjoy the company of others...I do.  But, I've gotten very selective of who I can share my time and space with.  "Not everyone is your friend" is a phrase that came to life here in Korea.  Lot's of acquaintances, handful of friends and it's just the way I like it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Life in Korea: First Week in E-Dong

the view
So I survived my first week in E-Dong.  I've met most of my students already and I'm excited about this term.  My classroom is taking shape although I will be making a adding a few more things to make my classroom a great environment for learning.  I have truly come to appreciate a good living/working space as it make a difference for me.

I spent part of my weekend decorating my "new" apartment and I must say, it's coming along nicely.  

Friday, August 31, 2012

Life in Korea: My Korean Apartment

So I have a "new" apartment.  I have to admit, it was NOT LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.  As a matter of fact, I hated it!  After spending the first few hours cleaning/scrubbing my "new" apartment, I even went as far as to query about changing apartments. 
It's possible that I may be overreacting, but, I mean, my Jang-Sang-Dong apartment was pretty much brand new.  It came with a laundry room, brand new bathroom, a flat screen TV. and, a pantry and the kitchen had my favorite color in tiles above the sink.  I even inherited a few things from the previous tenant; a laundry basket, shower shoes, and a microwave. Not to mention, I only had to do light cleaning.