Monday, June 3, 2013

Life in Korea: Wrapping up

my picasso
Acrylic Painting, N.R. and Hyun
Today makes one year that I've been living and teaching in Korea. Wow! Although I didn't think I'd make it, I did! I realize how incredibly blessed I am to have had this experience...I've learned much about myself these twelve months I've been in Korea.  It's been truly rewarding in many ways.

I enjoy my own company; that's not to say I don't enjoy the company of others...I do.  But, I've gotten very selective of who I can share my time and space with.  "Not everyone is your friend" is a phrase that came to life here in Korea.  Lot's of acquaintances, handful of friends and it's just the way I like it.
I came to Korea, not sure what to expect and was incredibly blessed by the many people that made me feel incredibly special and accepted me with open arms.  I will take those fond memories with me forever.  The first friends you make in Korea are undoubtedly the most special.  I'm thankful for all those that offered a helping hand when I needed help.  I've been blessed in so many ways and that's what I will remember about Korea...the persons who showed kindness, acceptance, respect and love.

As much as I enjoyed teaching, this last term proved to be most challenging. My last day teaching couldn't come soon enough.  Still, I will miss my students. :-) They've been a good source for laughter, playfulness and a great learning experience.  I'd like to think that I've matured as an individual and grown as a teacher.  Much respect for those who are effective teachers; it's NOT an easy profession.

the boss
Persons that come to mind as I wrap up my year here.  Pastor Richie Kim.  Your kindness and patience are true blessings on my life.  Carlton and Diane Lee.  Chungdahm Directors...I've never worked for anyone so kind and so giving.  Judy and George Van Bruggan.  Your life is a testimony of God's love and faithfulness.  Hari, my friend.  A true friend indeed.  My student and her family, Dong Hyun, SueEun, Kyung-ju and Kyung-ah.  Thank you for your kindness, it was truly a special time for me to spend with all of you.
I can't forget the foreigner community in Pohang where there's always something to do!  It's been swell.  Cheers Pohang!

What's next for me?

Japan->Miami->St.Vincent->Tobago->Trinidad->back to Korea (August 2013)

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