Saturday, June 29, 2013

Sweet Trinidad and Tobago

I've been in Tobago almost a week already.  Although I was born here, it's my first visit to Trinidad's sister island, Tobago .  The views have been incredible and I've found myself enjoying my time here so much that I would relocate if the opportunity arose.  Tobago is a little piece of paradise and I have the photos to show for it.

Family.  Plus, I have friends and family in Trinidad.  It's nice to take a break from the everyday routine and try something different.  My sister who was also visiting Trinidad around the same time as me, invited my aunt and cousins to her mom's house in Arima for a party.  It was great!  And the photo shoot courtesy my cousin Nancy, wasn't bad either.  

Lazy Days.  For the past several days, I've taken the opportunity to spend much time in the clear and blue/green waters that is the coastline of Tobago.  I've been to Nylon Pool, Buccoo Reef and a sandbank smack dab in the middle of nowhere.  I've been snorkeling on two occasions and each time, it was reminiscent of something that could be seen on the Discovery Channel.  I was in a large aquarium, a part of the nature enjoying swimming with the fishes.  Some of the sea life I saw included huge crabs, a turtle, lots of fish, a sea cucumber, sting rays, a green eel, and sadly, a decreasing coral reef.  I can go snorkeling on any day at any time thanks to a gracious host at my hostel.  The thing I love most about Tobago is how green and serene everything is.  The beach is just a stroll away as well as little conveniences like a grocery store or market and even a pharmacy.  The nightlife is more reserved for the weekends and most people know about Sunday School on Sunday evenings in Buccoo.

Cool Nights.  As for male attention, I've never felt more beautiful.  The men of Tobago (and Trinidad for that matter) have no issue with telling a woman how attractive she is.  And, it can get quite colorful as  I was entertained by some "sweet talk" at a local bar a day or two ago.  I laughed mostly and was very entertained by the gentleman's impulse to give much details about how much he was willing to "sin his soul" for my attention.  Cheeky!
It's nice being regarded as "a sweet woman" but, as for the groping on the dance floor, I didn't mind too much.  It's mostly harmless.  However, as a woman traveling alone, I find myself thinking the worse and hoping for the best.  Common sense is a must when you're a woman traveling on vacation solo.
With a cousin living in Tobago, I'm hoping the next few days will be very easy going with lots to fill my eyes with...  Tobago turned out to be a great experience after all.  I jet skied, I snorkeled, I swam, I ran all along the beach, just five minutes away. 

I arrived in Trinidad (my home and native land) the last week in June and during the month I spent there, I visited Tobago three times.  Since I visited Tobago first, I had expectations that it would be similar to Trinidad although I'm not sure how.  If I remember correctly, the Trinidad I remember when I visited in 2009 was a place where local foods were easily accessible and reasonably priced and a big part of me expected Tobago to be likewise.  This was not the case for Tobago.  Trinidad being home to over one million, there is better access to just about everything from food to transportation and even the night life.  And Trinidad wins in terms or being more affordable.

Night Life.  Trinidad has its charm with night clubs in San Fernando, Port-of-Spain and other major cities.  My cousins took me to a nice night club in San Fernando.  Partying at The Rig was a nice break from the otherwise dull days. However, The incredible year round tropical sun with cool island breeze also adds to the paradise that makes up Trinidad.

However, Tobago proved to have less access to local foods but a greater atmosphere for freedom, spontaneity and incredible views and amazing sunsets.  As for Trinidad, while you could get roti, doubles and all other street foods way past lunch time, Tobago would win hands down when compared to big sister, Trinidad.

I will have to go back to Trinidad and Tobago for another visit sometime very, very soon.  This time, I'll be spending more time in Tobago for sure.

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