Showing posts with label South-east Asia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label South-east Asia. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015

A Beginner's Guide to World Travel

Wat Pho Temple, Bangkok, Thailand
I took my very first solo travel trip ever, late in 2012 and even then, at 31, the very idea of solo travel was completely new to me.  And backpacking, that was something teenagers --born with silver spoons-- did with graduation money.  Until very recently, I had no idea that it was in fact absolutely possible to travel the world, venturing across the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, to see and do as much as I could, all the while paying off huge chunks of debt I had accumulated as an undergraduate at Rutgers University.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Playing With Mud in South Korea

Of course, if you've taught in the United States and then come to teach in Korea, you'll notice right away that there is humongous difference in the respect teachers get in South Korea, generally speaking.

Really, if you're teaching elementary school kids, you'll know just how adorable they can be.

So, I really like teaching in Korea.  But what's better than teaching these little darlings you ask?? Taking a break from teaching and going on a field trip some where in beautifully scenic, Jeju Island.

On my most recent field trip, I got down and dirty with some clay.  While helping a few students out, the man demonstrating the technique and probably a supervisor or owner in some regard, permitted the teachers to create our own works of art.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Taipei, Taiwan

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Millennium Hot Springs, XinBetiou
February 17.  I decided on Taiwan for my two-week break from teaching in South Korea and after a 12 hour layover in China and one airport change, I’ll be in Taiwan.  There’s a certain anxiety I get when traveling abroad; anxieties of not knowing the language, unable to call anyone (in case of emergency) for help and other general anxieties like getting lost or getting sick.  

Still, I made sure plan for certain things and well…to take things easy.  After all, I’m on vacation.