Showing posts with label contentment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contentment. Show all posts

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Jeju Island Editions: The Alive Museums

I used to think of museums as boring exhibitions that required way too much analytical thought.  Sure, an appreciation for the arts has taken time as growing up in the inner city, there wasn't much exposure and so an appreciation for and recognition of the aesthetic qualities that go into the arts took time.

Still, if you find art boring, you'll soon change your mind with Korea's sometimes quirky, sometimes bizarre but always fun, museums.

I've been to a few great places on Jeju that include UNESCO World Heritage sites on Jeju.  And seeing absolutely beautiful  places on Jeju IslandI'm very content.  

But there's a whole other side to Korea that is found in the fun-loving museums that are everywhere.  I did a short posts on some of the art from Love Land and another on Hello Kitty Island where I became a fan of the adorable cartoon cat.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Moments of Clarity: The Little Things

Ive been paying attention in the quiet moments.  Im learning that wisdom is all around and that the answers will come.  We might just need to tune in to the quietness and take what for us and to leave the rest behind.

Finding Contentment

Again and again, it's clear to me that its the little things that count.  Especially so, if youre having a bad day.  One days like that, know to count your blessings.  Personally, I like to have personal goals, financial goals, short-term and long term alike.  I know this to be a good practice and as much as making goals are important, so is finding ways to celebrate (even small) achievements.  

Friday, April 11, 2014

Moments of Clarity: Fret Not Thyself

Understand the wisdom in the words of King David
As a child about 8 or 9 years old, I remember being told to read (and memorize) Psalms 37, but couldn’t fathom what the words meant or how it applied to me even when an adult tried to explain it to me. Perhaps my mind wasn’t developed enough to understand the wisdom in the words of King David or perhaps I was trying to comprehend more than I needed to know.  

Nevertheless, King David’s instruction to refrain from fretting or getting over what people say and do still applies.

I often like to observe people interacting with others.  More than listening to what’s said, I like to observe body language which can tell a different story.  I also pay attention to tone and in my humble observation of students playing or a teacher teaching, I can get a sense of what’s going on, even when it’s in another language.  More than observing people, I like watching animals whether at the zoo or a documentary; I find it’s quite interesting how communication occurs without words.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Life in Korea: I'm Halfway There

Contrary to the school year in the United States and most other countries in the Western Hemisphere, March marks the beginning of the school year for South Koreans.  Something about the Spring and a fresh start…However, for me, its six months into a one year contract with EPIK (English Program in Korea).  Which only means I’m half way through and really, I’m already counting down.
This is my second year in Korea.  A year I felt quite apprehensive about spending in Korea but with a shaky economy in the U.S and many other places, Korea was the best (well only) option.  It’s been a totally different experience the second time around with lots of hiccups from the beginning and several bumps along the way.   No surprise that the last six months continued much the way it started and well, I wasn’t sure I’d make it through my one-year contract.  

Friday, September 21, 2012

Life in Korea: Counting My Blessings

As I lay awake with so much on the brain, I have to remind myself of all my blessings.  It's easy to get caught up in the things that aren't going as well as I'd like.  However, as for the things that are going well.  I'm thankful.  As for everything else, 
"God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Reinhold Niebuhr