Saturday, July 12, 2014

Moments of Clarity: The Little Things

Ive been paying attention in the quiet moments.  Im learning that wisdom is all around and that the answers will come.  We might just need to tune in to the quietness and take what for us and to leave the rest behind.

Finding Contentment

Again and again, it's clear to me that its the little things that count.  Especially so, if youre having a bad day.  One days like that, know to count your blessings.  Personally, I like to have personal goals, financial goals, short-term and long term alike.  I know this to be a good practice and as much as making goals are important, so is finding ways to celebrate (even small) achievements.  

Still, aside from goal setting is learning to be content with your life just the way it is.  Yes, it may not be perfect.  Yes, you may not be where you want to be.  Yes, you might not be making six figures (yet).  Yes, you may not live in the house of your dreams.  Yes, you may not have the husband and children and house.  Yes, you/your .  

But, youre not where youre used to be either.

Counting Your Blessings

For me, the little things are the fb messages from relatives asking me how Im doing.  Its the stranger that smiled at me on the street and stopped to talk to me.  Its the supervisor that offer suggestions on ways to improve your craft.  Its the student that remember to show love on Teachers Day.  I come from a family that is/was highly critical of most everything and Im trying to change that.  There is so much to be grateful about and as for appreciating the little things, it may require just a bit more tuning in.

Remember to stop and smell (and take pictures of) the roses.  Gotta take pictures!!

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