Tuesday, October 7, 2014

The 9 People You Will Definitely See When Running a 5K in South Korea

The start line
I was barely out of bed, when I decided to take part in the annual Beautiful JejuMarathon this past Saturday.  All along the coast, Koreans and foreigners alike took to the pavement decked in head bands, iPod's, and other running gear to make the most of the day all along the northeast coast of Jeju Island, South Korea.

What a glorious day that turned out to be with not one cloud in the sky.  As the waves were beating against the shore, I took in the day; the view in front of me, colored in a sea of blue t-shirts beating the pavement, people determined to finish whatever race they'd started just moments earlier.

I smiled as I took in all the people on the trail...

1.  The senior citizen.  
This guy looked like he had the age to be my grandfather.  He smiled and waved as he passed me.  :)

2.  The couple, in couple shirts.  
This couldn't be a post on Korea without the infamous couple in their matching couple shirts.  I still think it's cute.  :)

3.  The nine year old with something to prove.  
As I positioned my camera, I notice this kid never lost his stride.  I thought he was running alone till what looked like dad, then mom not very far behind him.  :)

4.  The real winners.  
I thought this was amazing!  It was a struggle to get out of bed and get into my car to get to this Beautiful Jeju Marathon.  The fact that this crew was out soaking up the sun helped me to realize who the real winners are. :)

5.  The new mom pushing a stroller, getting her fit on.  
Period.  Good for you lady.  :)

6.  And speaking of strollers, the strollers.  
Waygooks out for a stroll.

7.  The woman that needed to be bandaged after walking a 5K.  
You guessed it, me.  :)

8. The whole family getting their walk on.  
I love this!  Everyone's out to get in some autumn sunshine and a little exercise.

9.  The woman with her reluctant child.  
Not everyone is up to it.

Have you done a 5K in Korea yet?  What have you seen on the road to the finish line?

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