Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inspiration. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Moments of Clarity: Shining Your Light, Even When No Validation Comes

Even before I knew what outlier meant, I felt the pangs of being different from the other members of my immediate family. Unlike anyone else, I was a girl without a mother. 

People often looked at me with a sort of disdain.  I remember being called a child of the devil by an elder member of my family. The sad thing is that for a long time, I believed her.

        Looking back, I was a sort of stray longing for someone to recognize value in me; wanting someone to look at me recognize me and tell me with courage and hope in their eyes who I was.  Usually this validation of love and character comes from the people that love us.  Usually, ones parents and later from our peers.  Its what self-esteem is built on.  But when youve lived a life where youve felt the pangs of being less than worthy, less than loved, youll finding yourself longing for validation of worth and love than may never come.