Monday, April 28, 2014

Life in Korea: The Bigger Picture

bigger picture
Being back in Korea, I’m reminded that in order to get something you’ve never had before, you have to do something you’ve never done before. Some of the littlest things has bought a great big smile to my face…a genuine compliment, a gift from a child, children singing and dancing and the satisfaction of a job well done and never forget the people that helped you when you needed help. I’ve been pensive about my future but I know some way, some how it’s all gonna work itself out. #Godisfaithful 

(Post from Oct. 16, 2013)

I often look back at my Facebook posts from the past year or so just to see what was going on my life at that time.  Over the past year and a half that I’ve been teaching in Korea and doing a bit of traveling, I smile at the adventures I’ve had and the moments shared with others, be it relatives or other travelers.
Sometimes, I’ll come across a post that’s both objective and powerful.  I can gauge on where I was at that moment and see how far I’ve come (or stumbled).  Sometimes, I like to repost something that was posted more than a year or two ago because, well, it’s still relevant and I’m reminded that living is an everyday thing.

In the day-to-day of living, sometimes it’s harmful to get so caught up in the moment, that you lose sight of the bigger picture.  Day to living can be struggle sometimes if you’re trying to get in touch with relatives that don’t answer the phone or other (perhaps minor) troubles surface.  But in the grand scheme of things, it’s good to remember that problems come and go and that sometimes to get through difficulties, it’s best to keep a firm grasp on the bigger picture.
If I don't get another person in my corner, or another person that’s rooting for me, or celebrating my accomplishments, I know this for sure, I got me. And for me, it’s enough. #God‘sblessings 
(Post from May 5, 2013)
Plans have been made…Japan, Miami, St.Vincent, Tobago, Trinidad, Miami and back to Korea…it’s been an up and down ride but I’ve managed to pay off 15K of debt, managed to make a friend or two, been loved by my students and will be back for a second round in August… #myGodisreal 
(Post from April 6, 2013)  
At my age, I’m finding that the best thing you can do for yourself is to, 1. make up your mind to take the good right along with the bad…nothing is ever perfect (or even close); 2. Don’t care so much (most people don’t give a shit anyway); 3. Always, always, always have something in mind that you’re looking forward to #lifeisgood 

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