Friday, February 14, 2014

28 Days of Love: Valentine's Day

Matters of the heart…
It’s 7:23 am.  I’m up and in the fog of transitioning from sleep to awake, I remember…it’s Valentine’s Day!  <3 As I check my Facebook news feed to gander at the valentines days posts and pictures, I take in the messages (some have nothing to do with Valentine’s Day cause Korean Standard Time is about 14 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time) and I laugh at the “side chick v-day postings”, sigh at the husband that’s been kicked out of bed but left with sexy strawberries dipped in chocolate and smile at the cute mickey mouse pancakes made by a loving wife and mother.

In a few hours, my news feed will flood with new posts and pictures from Valentine’s Day gone either awfully wrong to OMG!, incredibly good.  Being a single woman, I can’t help but feel indifferent.  I have no expectations that won’t be met and even when I think back on Valentine’s Day of years gone by…Valentine’s Day with all the trimmings of jewelry and dinner from an ex-boyfriend, I think to myself, –is it about having something to brag about to your friends? Is it about someone else doing something for you?  –Is Valentine’s Day really about love?
Truly, Valentine’s Day in and of itself is just one day…just like Christmas and New Year’s Eve and well, my birthday.  

This past year, I’ve found myself really thinking about these one day opportunities where people can spend so much time and money to showcase their love and willingness to give and I can’t help but think…”What’s this really about?  A Facebook posting?  Getting attention?  Something to brag about? — Is Valentine’s Day really about love?”

Simply put, it should be about love.  And well love isn’t a once or twice a year showcase…it’s an everyday thing with or without a significant other, with or without children and with or without chocolate and flowers.  Now, if you have these additions to your life, it should be appreciated all days of the year and in as small or as big a package that will convey true feelings of love in it’s true and genuine essence…but if you don’t, fret not!–Love goes way deeper than that…

This morning, I got to thinking…love begins within.  It begins with acknowledging your life and the gift that it is;  With the the willingness to be treat yourself with kindness and that despite your short comings and failings, that you’re a good person (smile :-)) And when you can truly accept yourself and all of your imperfections (as ugly as they maybe), that each day, each moment, each breath you take is an opportunity appreciate the life you’ve been given and to share that life and love with someone else, anyone else that sees the light shining inside of you, no matter how dim it maybe.

“You can be the most beautiful person in the world and everybody sees light and rainbows when they look at you, but if you yourself don’t know it, all of that doesn’t even matter.”  C. JoyBell C.

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