Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Trekking in Chiang Mai

Twelve hours in an overnight bus from Bangkok wasn't a bad way to reach Chiang Mai. I read, I slept and then read some more.  At around 7 am, I collected my travel bag, hopped on a red van thingy with 8 or do visitors which then dropped us of at our respective guesthouses.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Eating Everything in Bangkok

Scorpions and silk worms on Khaosan Rd., Bangkok, Thailand
I landed in Bangkok just before 11pm, stood in que for a few minutes so that I could hire a taxi that would take me 45 minutes to my hostel.  Wide awake, I took in the highway.  It resembled much of the highways and byways in other major cities.  I checked in and took a shower and waited for sleep.  I stared at the louvers and the fancy bricks as I laid in bed.  It reminded of my grandmothers' house in Trinidad.  I pulled the thin covers closer to my chest but then my feet was exposed to the night air.  I tried to close the louvers, but they were broken... oh Bangkok!